If you want to learn a job, you want to find a teacher who has mastered the field. If your interest is sheet metal or HVAC, you can now learn the tips of a master installer in Tip for Residential HVAC Installation, newly released by LAMA Books. The book's author, Larry Gardner, is a experienced installer and contractor for residential HVAC work. Gardner teamed on the project with Leo A. Meyer, HVAC expert and author of over 50 books in the HVAC industry. Their goal was to create a book of trade secrets that normally could only be gained from many years on the job or by learning from the best in the HVAC trade.
Tools and Materials
Installing Duct
Takeoffs and Connections
Field Modifying Duct
Using Drive Cleats
And More
LAMA Books, 510-785-1091, 510-785-1099 fax