2021-23 Occupational Programs in California Community Colleges
211 Pages, 8.5 x 11 softcover (when downloaded)
2021-23 Occupational Programs in
California Community Colleges
(downloadable only)
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Why waste your time going to each college's web site.
Don't miss this opportunity
to make your job easier!
This is the fastest way to find any occupational program and the colleges that offer it.
An excellent reference for students, teachers, counselors, administrators, libraries, vocational advisors and career centers.
This valuable directory identifies over 5,000 occupational classes in the 116 California Community Colleges.
Program location matrix—Tells you what colleges offer the program you are looking for.
This book is exactly what I have been looking for! This saves my time tremendously every time I need to search to find an appropriate school that offers specific training programs for my deaf consumers. So simple and easy to follow!
Thank you!
Michelle Aquileur
Senior Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor for the Deaf
Dept. of Rehab. Los Angeles, CA
Dear LAMA Books:
In my work as a college counselor, I find the Occupational Programs in California Community Colleges an indispensable tool to locate programs my college doesn’t offer, to locate rare programs or training that can be acquired at the inexpensive community college price, and for students who are moving to another part of California and want to complete their program or major.
One example I can give is a student who mentioned to me that he wanted to be a mortician. I couldn’t imagine a community college teaching such a program, but sure enough I found that Cypress College offered the program by referencing it in the OPCCC. The student and I set up a plan to finish most of his general education here at Reedley College and then transfer on to Cypress College.
Another example is a student who had to move because her husband was in the navy and he was transferred to the Miramar base in San Diego. She wanted to continue her nursing (RN) program. By using the map located in the back of the OPCCC, the student and I located community colleges within a reasonable distance from the navy base. The student expressed her wish to attend San Diego Miramar College since it was the closest college to the base. The program charts, however, showed that San Diego City College offered her program. We looked up the college web address, provided in the section about each college, to gain knowledge specific to that college and its programs. We used the telephone number to locate the counseling office at San Diego City College and set up the student with a counseling appointment. Then the student and I went to another website and found that the student could travel quickly and comfortably from the navy base to the college by using the San Diego Red Line. The student left with a greater sense of confidence and comfort than before our counseling appointment. This whole progress happened in a short time period.
The OPCCC saves valuable time from having to look in all the college catalog and websites. With the budget cutbacks, I am given less contact time with students. I’m sure most counselors find themselves in similar circumstances. To be honest, I couldn’t have been able to assist these students in the way I did without the Occupational Programs in California Community Colleges.
Case Bos
Counselor; Honors Counselor
Career Center Coordinator, Reedley College
Dear LAMA Books:
Occupational Programs in California Community Colleges is a wonderful resource for programs offered throughout California within the community college system. There have been many times that I have referred Cuesta College students to this book and they have found just the right college for their occupational major. In my 24 years as a Career/Transfer Center Assistant, I can honestly say this book has been one of my favorites.
Noma Summers
Cuesta College
Dear LAMA Books:
PLEASE continue to print these books! They are invaluable for the counselors at our school. When the public comes in asking for programs not available at our occupational center, we use your book to refer them to a PUBLIC school that offers the program they need. Private schools do so much advertising that the poor public isn’t even aware of what public schools have to offer. Not only are the fees more affordable, the programs are so much better than those at private schools. I can’t tell you how often someone will come in who attended a private nursing program only to have the school shut down prior to graduation. Or how often a person who completes a nursing program at a private school only to fail the state boards because he wasn’t properly prepared. Your book is invaluable for the benefit of anyone searching for an education.
Thank you for your efforts to continue publishing this book.
Janine Quint, counselor
West Valley Occupational Center
Los Angeles Unified School District
LAMA Books, 510-785-1091, 510-785-1099 fax